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If you’re unhappy with your appearance, a smile makeover is a conservative solution that could turn back the clock on your entire image. Our experience and training allow us to design unique, beautiful porcelain veneers that can transform any smile.

What are porcelain veneers, and do they all look the same?

Porcelain veneers are often referred to as “instant orthodontics.” The thin porcelain facings can change the shape, color, size, and spacing of teeth. Veneers differ in the porcelain and crafting, and these attributes depend upon the skill of the technician. Creating a perfect smile requires a blending of porcelain, perfect planning, and an eye for detail. Because they are handmade, veneers have custom shapes. You can choose a smile that is sporty, natural, or has a Hollywood look. Regardless of the shape you choose, our doctors will ensure that your smile is custom designed and perfect for you.

How important is the dental laboratory and its technicians?

The laboratory chosen by your dentist is extremely important for several reasons. Not all porcelain is the same. The difference in the design of any porcelain restoration depends on the experience and talent of its technicians. Strong communication between your lab and your doctor ensures the highest quality results. We take careful photos, measurements, models, and guides to send to the lab for designing your restorations.

Producing a perfect restoration and a perfect smile is an art, and the outcome must be as unique as a person’s features. To produce a beautiful smile, attention must be focused on the details of each tooth that affects the results. We often design a wax model prior to treatment, so you can see how your new restorations will look.

What are the benefits of a porcelain veneer?

  • Restore worn & shortened teeth
  • Enhance the contour of teeth
  • Correct spaces between teeth
  • Transform discolored teeth
  • Improve size and change the gum line
  • Lengthen smaller, misshapen teeth

These cases are examples of actual patients’ porcelain veneers actual patients. Review them at your leisure, then call to reserve an appointment to discuss how cosmetic dentistry can change your smile – and your life.

What is the procedure?

You may be surprised how easy it is to receive veneers. In most cases, only three visits are required. To begin, our associates will see you for a consultation. We’ll take precise measurements of your teeth and their spacing, along with digital photographs to analyze your current smile. After, we will talk with you about your ideal smile and work with you to design a treatment that accomplishes all your goals. After we have discussed the changes you want, a waxed sculpture will be designed so that you can see the potential results of your smile makeover with porcelain veneers.

What is the care after?

After the placement of your veneers, care is like caring for your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are very strong and durable, but we want to ensure you don’t damage your veneers.

  • Brush your teeth twice per day and floss to remove plaque and bacteria from teeth.
  • Avoid chewing on hard objects, i.e., ice.
  • Avoid overly sticky foods, i.e., caramel or gum.
  • Schedule regular appointments for cleanings with your dentist. We usually recommend a visit for a dental cleaning every six months.
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